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OmniCore X-develop

OmniCore X-develop, the successor of CodeGuide, is an IDE for Java, C#, J#, Visual Basic, JSP, and more. It has a “back-in-time debugging” feature that permits to step forward as well as backward while debugging:

Imagine using a debugger to step through some code looking for a bug. Suddenly you find out that the bug must have been caused by a method invocation you just stepped over. To investigate the bug you would need to go back in time and step into the method. Conventional debuggers do not allow that. CodeGuide 7 does. You can step back, step into the method and investigate what exactly caused the problem. Another example: An exception is thrown and you want to find out what caused it. With CodeGuide 7 you set an exception breakpoint and when the exception is thrown you can use the debugger to go back in time and find out what caused the exception.

Follow this link for a more detailed description.

The engine

I have not been able to find much information about how the system is implemented, other than the fact that classes are instrumented:

In order to make back-in-time debugging possible X-develop's integrated compiler instruments the class files. While performance should not be an issue if no breakpoints are set because method tracing is turned on only for “interesting” areas (e.g. methods with breakpoints, their callers and callees), the generated .class files are considerably enlarged.

I guess more precise information is not publicly available. The concept of “interesting areas” is, indeed, interesting. It is a smart way to reduce the amount of trace data without requiring user intervention, interesting areas being algorithmically determined.

The interface

It is obvious that a lot of effort has been put in the implementation of debugging facilities. The back-in-time debugging feature is perfectly integrated with the IDE, but even standard debugging is above the average.

Stepping into a line that contains multiple method calls or expressions

Let's debug the following line:


This line calls two methods and uses a local variable (root) and a method parameter (lines).

Step into: root is underlined and its value appears in a tooltip
Step into: lines is underlined and its value appears in a tooltip
Step into: current execution point goes into the createMonthFragmentOfWeeks method
Step out: execution point stops at the return statement, and the value to be returned appears in a tooltip
Step into: we're back at the original method, createMonthFragmentOfWeeks(lines) is underlined and the returned value appears in a tooltip
Step into: execution point goes into the addFragment method

At any time during this sequence it is possible to step backwards and again forward. The interaction is very smooth: the user doesn't have to know that he is navigating execution history or really executing new steps. The debugger behaves almost exactly in the same way when stepping into code that has not been executed (normal debugging) or when stepping into the execution history. The only difference is that when navigating the execution history, it is not possible to step into methods of non-instrumented classes, such as JDK classes.

Also, when stepping into not yet executed code, in methods of non-instrumented classes, the step backwards buttons are disabled, except for “step back out” which goes back to the point where the method was called.

Other fearures & details

Limitations & missing features