
The PLEIAD laboratory of the Computer Science Department (DCC) of the University of Chile (Faculty of Engineering) is a laboratory dedicated to research on new software development techniques.

PLEIAD stands for Programming Languages and Environments for Intelligent, Adaptable and Distributed systems. We explore how programming language constructs and environments can enable the development of evolvable and highly-adaptable software, particularly considering distributed computing.

A non-technical overview of our activities, created for the magazine of the DCC, is available in Spanish (original version) and in English (translated from the original).

(want to know more?)



Our research is situated at the intersection of Programming Languages and Paradigms, Distributed and Pervasive Computing, and Artificial Intelligence. The main focus is on Software Adaptation in a broad sense.

More specifically, we are involved in research related to:

Main software artifacts:


PLEIAD members are involved in teaching various courses. Course information can be found on the teaching page. Thesis proposals (Engineering and Masters), are on the thesis page.