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people:azambrano [2010/05/25 18:53] – azambrano | people:azambrano [2010/09/12 01:14] (current) – azambrano |
| | {{people:azambrano.png?nolink|Arturo Zambrano}} || |
| | **Arturo Zambrano** || |
| | //Master in Software Engineering//| [[]]| |
| | Teaching Assistant | 50 y 115 1er Piso| |
| | [[|LIFIA]] | La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina | |
| | [[|Faculty of Informatics]] | phone: +54 221 4228252| |
| | [[|University of La Plata]]| fax: +54 221 4228252|| |
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| ===== Short Research Description ===== |
| My research focus lies on aspect dependencies and interactions. Professor Johan Fabry (DCC, U. de Chile) is my PhD advisor and |
| professor PhD Silvia Gordillo (LIFIA, Universidad de La Plata) is the co-advisor. |
| The global idea of the PhD proposal is to tackle the aspect interactions problem in the different phases |
| in the software lifecycle (requirements analysis, design and implementation). |
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| ===== Recent Publications ===== |
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| <note important> |
| //The following documents are included by the contributing authors as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a non-commercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. |
| // |
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| <div id="bibtex"> |
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| <H3 CLASS="subsection"><!--SEC ANCHOR -->2010</H3><!--SEC END --><DL CLASS="list"><DT CLASS="dt-list"> |
| [1]</DT><DD CLASS="dd-list"> |
| A. Zambrano, J. Bucar, and J. A. Zubimendi. |
| <A HREF="wtvd.bib">An Alternative Architecture for Ginga</A>. |
| In <EM>Proceedings of I Workshop de TV Digital Interativa (</EM><EM>WTVDI</EM><EM>) |
| - Webmedia 2010</EM>, Belo Horizonte, Brasil, October 2010. |
| (<A HREF="wtvd.bib">bib</A>).</DD><DT CLASS="dt-list">[2]</DT><DD CLASS="dd-list"> |
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| A. Zambrano, J. Fabry, G. Jacobson, and S. Gordillo. |
| <A HREF="">Expressing |
| aspectual interactions in requirements engineering: experiences in the slot |
| machine domain</A>. |
| In <EM>Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing |
| (SAC 2010)</EM>, pages 2161–2168. ACM Press, 2010. |
| (<A HREF="">doi</A>, |
| <A HREF="zambranoAl-sac10.bib">bib</A>).</DD><DT CLASS="dt-list">[3]</DT><DD CLASS="dd-list"> |
| A. Zambrano, S. Gordillo, and J. Fabry. |
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| <A HREF="ijseke2010.bib">A Fine Grained Aspect Coordination |
| Mechanism</A>. |
| <EM>International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge |
| Engineering (IJSEKE)</EM>, December 2010. |
| To be published (<A HREF="ijseke2010.bib">bib</A>).</DD><DT CLASS="dt-list">[4]</DT><DD CLASS="dd-list"> |
| A. Zambrano, J. Rousselot, J. Fabry, and S. Gordillo. |
| <A HREF="asse10.bib">Supporting Aspect Oriented Requirements |
| Engineering for Large Documents</A>. |
| In <EM>Proceedings of the Argentinean Symposium on Software |
| Engineering </EM><EM>(ASSE’10)</EM>, pages 568–577, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August |
| 2010. |
| (<A HREF="asse10.bib">bib</A>).</DD><!--TOC subsection 2009--> |
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| <H3 CLASS="subsection"><!--SEC ANCHOR -->2009</H3><!--SEC END --><DL CLASS="list"><DT CLASS="dt-list"> |
| [5]</DT><DD CLASS="dd-list"> |
| P. Adamczyk, A. Zambrano, and F. Balaguer. |
| <A HREF="icse2009.bib">Refactoring Big Balls of Mud</A>. |
| In <EM>ICSE 2009 Software Engineering in Practice (Industry Track). |
| 31st International Conference on Software Engineering</EM>, pages 50–60, May |
| 2009. |
| (<A HREF="icse2009.bib">bib</A>).</DD><DT CLASS="dt-list">[6]</DT><DD CLASS="dd-list"> |
| |
| A. Zambrano, A. Alvarez, J. Fabry, and S. Gordillo. |
| <A HREF="jcc09.bib">Aspect Coordination for Web Applications in Java |
| and Ruby</A>. |
| In <EM>XXVIII International Conference of the Chilean Computer |
| Society</EM>, November 2009. |
| (<A HREF="jcc09.bib">bib</A>).</DD><!--TOC subsection 2008--> |
| <H3 CLASS="subsection"><!--SEC ANCHOR -->2008</H3><!--SEC END --><DL CLASS="list"><DT CLASS="dt-list"> |
| [7]</DT><DD CLASS="dd-list"> |
| L. Hahn, A. Zambrano, and S. Gordillo. |
| |
| <A HREF="clei2008.bib">Isolating the Concern Time in Geographic |
| Information Systems.</A> |
| In <EM>XXXIV CLEI</EM>, pages 930–939, May 2008. |
| (<A HREF="clei2008.bib">bib</A>).</DD><!--TOC subsection 2006--> |
| <H3 CLASS="subsection"><!--SEC ANCHOR -->2006</H3><!--SEC END --><DL CLASS="list"><DT CLASS="dt-list"> |
| [8]</DT><DD CLASS="dd-list"> |
| A. Zambrano, T. Vera, and S. Gordillo. |
| |
| <A HREF="zambrano2006.bib">Solving aspectual semantic conflicts in |
| resource aware systems</A>. |
| In W. Cazzola, S. Chiba, Y. Coady, and G. Saake, editors, <EM>Third |
| ECOOP Workshop on Reflection, AOP and Metadata for Software Evolution</EM>, pages |
| 79–88. Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Magdeburg, 2006. |
| (<A HREF="zambrano2006.bib">bib</A>).</DD><!--TOC subsection 2005--> |
| <H3 CLASS="subsection"><!--SEC ANCHOR -->2005</H3><!--SEC END --><DL CLASS="list"><DT CLASS="dt-list"> |
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| [9]</DT><DD CLASS="dd-list"> |
| G. Pertino, S. Tocho, A. Zambrano, and S. Gordillo. |
| <A HREF="pertino2005.bib">Object-Oriented Model for Fire Spread |
| Prediction</A>. |
| In <EM>15th European - Japanese Conference on Information Modelling |
| and Knowledge Bases</EM>, May 2005. |
| (<A HREF="pertino2005.bib">bib</A>).</DD><DT CLASS="dt-list">[10]</DT><DD CLASS="dd-list"> |
| A. Zambrano, S. Gordillo, and L. N. Polasek. |
| |
| <A HREF="zambrano2005.bib">Decoupling Personalization Aspects in |
| Mobile Applications</A>. |
| In R. Navarro Prieto and J. Lores Vidal, editors, <EM>HCI Related |
| Papers of Interacción 2004</EM>. Springer Verlag, 2005. |
| (<A HREF="zambrano2005.bib">bib</A>).</DD><DT CLASS="dt-list">[11]</DT><DD CLASS="dd-list"> |
| A. Zambrano, I. Jaureguiberry, and S. Gordillo. |
| |
| <A HREF="umics2005.bib">Reusing Context-Awareness through Aspects</A>. |
| In <EM>Proceedings of the CAiSE’05 Workshop. Ubiquitous Mobile |
| Information and Collaboration Systems.Advanced Information Systems |
| Engineering,17th International Conference</EM>, volume 2, pages 717–729, June |
| 13-17 2005. |
| (<A HREF="umics2005.bib">bib</A>).</DD><!--TOC subsection 2004--> |
| <H3 CLASS="subsection"><!--SEC ANCHOR -->2004</H3><!--SEC END --><DL CLASS="list"><DT CLASS="dt-list"> |
| [12]</DT><DD CLASS="dd-list"> |
| F. Crestani, M. D. Dunlop, and S. Mizzaro, editors. |
| |
| <EM>Mobile and Ubiquitous Information Access, Mobile HCI 2003 |
| International Workshop, Udine, Italy, September 8, 2003, Revised and Invited |
| Papers</EM>, volume 2954 of <EM>Lecture Notes in Computer Science</EM>. Springer, |
| 2004.</DD><!--TOC subsection 2003--> |
| <H3 CLASS="subsection"><!--SEC ANCHOR -->2003</H3><!--SEC END --><DL CLASS="list"><DT CLASS="dt-list"> |
| [13]</DT><DD CLASS="dd-list"> |
| A. Zambrano, S. E. Gordillo, and I. Jaureguiberry. |
| <A HREF="zambranoGJ03.bib">Aspect-Based Adaptation for Ubiquitous |
| Software</A>. |
| In F. Crestani, M. D. Dunlop, and S. Mizzaro, editors, <EM>Mobile |
| HCI Workshop on Mobile and Ubiquitous Information Access</EM>, volume 2954 of |
| |
| <EM>Lecture Notes in Computer Science</EM>, pages 215–226. Springer, 2003. |
| (<A HREF="zambranoGJ03.bib">bib</A>).</DD> |
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