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 +|**Éric Tanter**  ||
 +| //PhD in Computer Science//  [[etanter@dcc.uchile.cl]]|
 +| Associate Professor |   Blanco Encalada 2120, of.310, Santiago, Chile |
 +| [[http://pleiad.dcc.uchile.cl/|PLEIAD Lab]] |   phone: +56 2 978 49 53 |
 +| [[http://www.dcc.uchile.cl/|Computer Science Department (DCC)]], [[http://www.uchile.cl|University of Chile]] |   fax: +56 2 689 55 31|
 +===== Research Activities =====
 +++++ Program Committee Chair |
 +  * 11th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development ([[http://aosd.net/2012|AOSD 2012]])
 +  * 7th International Symposium on Software Composition 2008 ([[http://2008.software-composition.org/|SC 2008]]) at ETAPS 2008  
 +  * XXVIth International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society ([[http://www.sccc.cl/sccc2007/|SCCC 2007]])
 +  * 1st Latin American Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development ([[http://www.les.inf.puc-rio.br/la-wasp2007|LA-WASP.07]])
 +++++ Program Committee Member |
 +   * 27th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA 2012), PC Member
 +   * 11th Workshop on the Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages ([[http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/FOAL/|FOAL 2012]])
 +   * ACM Symposium on Applied Computing ([[http://www.acm.org/conferences/sac/sac2012/|SAC 2012]]), Track on ([[http://www.dmi.unict.it/%7Etramonta/sac/|Programming for Separation of Concerns]])
 +   * 10th ACM International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering ([[http://program-transformation.org/GPCE11/|GPCE 2011]]), PC Member
 +  * 10th ACM International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development ([[http://aosd.net/2011|AOSD 2011]])
 +  * 6th ACM Dynamic Languages Symposium ([[http://www.dynamic-languages-symposium.org/dls-10/index.html|DLS 2010]])
 +  * 24th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming ([[http://2010.ecoop.org/|ECOOP 2010]])
 +   * 9th Workshop on the Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages ([[http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/FOAL/index-2010.shtml|FOAL 2010]])
 +  * 9th ACM International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development ([[http://aosd.net/2010|AOSD 2010]])
 +  * ACM Symposium on Applied Computing ([[http://www.acm.org/conferences/sac/sac2010/|SAC 2010]]), Track on ([[http://www.dmi.unict.it/%7Etramonta/PSC10/|Programming for Separation of Concerns]])
 +  * 3rd Latin American Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development ([[http://www.cin.ufpe.br/~lawasp09/|LA-WASP.09]])
 +  * Workshop on Context-Aware Software Technology and Applications ([[http://casta.unibe.ch/|CASTA 2009]]), co-located with ESEC/FSE 2009
 +  * Workshop on Context-Oriented Programming ([[http://prog.vub.ac.be/cop09|COP 2009]]), co-located with ECOOP 2009
 +  * Workshop on Reflection, AOP and Meta-Data for Software Evolution ([[http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~manuel/Events/RAM-SE09/|RAM-SE]]), co-located with ECOOP 2009
 +  * IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems ([[http://discotec09.di.fc.ul.pt/index.php?title=DAIS/CFP|DAIS 2009]])
 +  * 47th International Conference on Objects, Models, Components and Patterns ([[http://tools.ethz.ch|TOOLS-EUROPE 2009]])
 +  * 13th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages ([[http://sblp2009.ucpel.tche.br/|SBLP 2009]])
 +  * 8th International Conference on Software Composition ([[http://www.2009.software-composition.org/|SC 2009]])
 +  * ACM Symposium on Applied Computing ([[http://www.acm.org/conferences/sac/sac2009/|SAC 2009]]), Track on Programming for Separation of Concerns
 +  * 5th International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems ([[http://www.iaria.org/conferences2009/ICAS09.html|ICAS 2009]])
 +  * XXVIIth International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society ([[http://www.sccc.cl/sccc2008|SCCC 2008]])
 +  * 2nd Latin American Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (LA-WASP.08)
 +  * 12th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages ([[http://www.lia.ufc.br/sblp2008/|SBLP 2008]])
 +  * IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems ([[http://discotec08.ifi.uio.no/dais|DAIS 2008]])
 +  * ACM Symposium on Applied Computing ([[http://www.acm.org/conferences/sac/sac2008/|SAC 2008]]), Track on Programming Languages, and Track on Programming for Separation of Concerns
 +  * International Conference on Trustworthy Global Computing ([[http://www-sop.inria.fr/everest/tgc/|TGC 2007]])
 +  * International Workshop on Software Professional Engineering Education (SPEED 2007)
 +  * IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems ([[http://www.discotec07.cs.ucy.ac.cy/DAIS/index.htm|DAIS 2007]])
 +  * International Symposium on Software Composition ([[http://ssel.vub.ac.be/sc2007/|SC 2007]])
 +  * International Workshop on Virtual Machines and Intermediate Languages for Emerging Modularization Mechanisms ([[http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~design/vmil/|VMIL 2007]])
 +  * ACM Symposium on Applied Computing ([[http://www.acm.org/conferences/sac/sac2007/|SAC 2007]]), Track on Programming for Separation of Concerns
 +  * Brazilian Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development ([[http://www.les.inf.puc-rio.br/wasp2006/english/index.htm|WASP 2006]])
 +  * [[http://www.netobjectdays.org/|NODe 2006]] - Objects, Aspects, Services, the Web
 +  * ACM Symposium on Applied Computing ([[http://www.acm.org/conferences/sac/sac2006/|SAC 2006]]), Track on Programming for Separation of Concerns
 +++++ Organization of Events (Workshops, Conferences, Schools) |
 +    * 6th Workshop on Domain-Specific Aspect Languages ([[http://dsal.cl/2011|DSAL 2011]]) at the ACM International Conference on AOSD ([[http://aosd.net/2011/|AOSD 2011]])
 +    * 3rd Summer School on Programming Languages ([[http://pleiad.dcc.uchile.cl/pl2010|PL 2010]])
 +    * Tutorial committee of [[http://cbsoft.dcc.ufba.br|CBSOFT 2010]]
 +    * 5th Workshop on Domain-Specific Aspect Languages ([[http://dsal.cl/2010|DSAL 2010]]) at the ACM International Conference on AOSD ([[http://aosd.net/2010/|AOSD 2010]])
 +    * 8th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development ([[http://aosd.net/2009|AOSD 2009]]), publicity co-chair
 +    * 2nd Summer School on Programming Languages ([[http://pleiad.dcc.uchile.cl/pl2009|PL 2009]])
 +    * 4th Workshop on Domain-Specific Aspect Languages ([[http://dsal.dcc.uchile.cl/2009/|DSAL 2009]]) at the ACM International Conference on AOSD ([[http://aosd.net/2009/|AOSD 2009]])
 +    * Summer School on Programming Languages ([[http://pleiad.dcc.uchile.cl/pl2008|PL 2008]])
 +    * 3rd Workshop on Domain-Specific Aspect Languages ([[http://dsal.dcc.uchile.cl/2008/|DSAL 2008]]) at the ACM International Conference on AOSD ([[http://aosd.net/2008/|AOSD 2008]])
 +    * 2nd ISCV Thematic Workshop: Biologically-Inspired Computing 2007 ([[http://pleiad.dcc.uchile.cl/bic2007|BIC 2007]])
 +    *  3rd Workshop on Object Technology for Ambient Intelligence and Pervasive Computing ([[http://sam.iai.uni-bonn.de/ot4ami2007/|OT4AmI 2007]]) at the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming ([[http://ecoop07.swt.cs.tu-berlin.de/|ECOOP 2007]])
 +    * 2nd Workshop on Domain-Specific Aspect Languages ([[http://dsal.dcc.uchile.cl/2007/|DSAL 2007]]) at the ACM International Conference on AOSD ([[http://aosd.net/2007/|AOSD 2007]])
 +    * 1st Workshop on Domain-Specific Aspect Languages ([[http://dsal.dcc.uchile.cl/2006/|DSAL 2006]]) at the ACM International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering ([[http://www.gpce.org/06/|GPCE 2006]])
 +    * 2nd Workshop on Object Technology for Ambient Intelligence and Pervasive Computing ([[http://sam.iai.uni-bonn.de/ot4ami/|OT4AmI 2006]]) at the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming ([[http://ecoop2006.emn.fr/|ECOOP 2006]])
 +    * 1st Workshop on Software Engineering of Pervasive Services ([[http://sam.iai.uni-bonn.de/seps2006/|SEPS 2006]]) at the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services ([[http://www.ens-lyon.fr/LIP/RESO/icps2006/|ICPS 2006]])
 +    * 1st Workshop on Open and Dynamic Aspect Languages ([[http://aosd.net/workshops/oal/2006/|ODAL 2006]]) at the ACM International Conference on AOSD ([[http://aosd.net/2006/|AOSD 2006]])
 +++++ Editorial Boards, External Reviews, Evaluations |
 +   * Associate Editor of the [[http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-2-109318-0|LNCS Transactions on AOSD]], Springer-Verlag
 +  * Reviewer for the following journals: [[http://www.computer.org/software/|IEEE Software]], [[http://www.computer.org/tse|IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering]], [[http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/1752/home|Software - Practice and Experience]] (Wiley), [[http://www.elsevier.com/locate/scico|Science of Computer Programming]] (Elsevier), [[http://www.rairo-ita.org/|Theoretical Informatics and Applications]] (RAIRO, EDP Sciences)
 +  * External Reviewer for the ACM Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation ([[http://www.program-transformation.org/PEPM08|PEPM 2008]]), the ACM International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation ([[http://ties.ucsd.edu/PLDI/|PLDI 2007]])
 +  * Evaluator for the following funding agencies: FONDECYT Regular National Research Competition, Chile (2007), Swiss National Science Foundation, Switzerland (2007, 2009), Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Holland (2010)
 +  * Member of the Engineering Study Group (Ingeniería 2) of CONICYT, Chile (2010-2011).
 +++++ Research Projects |
 +    * FONDECYT Project 1110051 - Modular and Adaptable Software without Losing Control [2011-2014/lead]
 +    * INRIA Equipe Associée [[http://rapids.gforge.inria.fr|RAPIDS]] [2010-2012/lead]
 +    * FONDECYT Project 1090083 - Engineering and Composition of Domain-Specific Aspect Languages [2009-2012/researcher]
 +    * STIC AmSud Project CoReA: Comprehension and Remodularization of Applications based on Aspects, Classboxes and Traits (09STIC02) [2009-2010/researcher]
 +    * INRIA-CONICYT Project CORDIAL [2008-2009/lead]
 +    *  FONDECYT Project 11060493 - Modularization and Adaptation of Complex and Dynamic Software Systems [Oct.2006-Oct.2009/lead]
 +    * Latin American Network on Aspect-Oriented Software Development [2007-2009/lead]
 +    * Bilateral collaboration with the PROG lab of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel: ORION (Open Reflective Infrastructure for Open Networks) [2006-2007/lead]
 +    * Center for Web Research ([[http://www.cwr.cl|CWR]]) [PhD student 2002-2004, Postdoc 2005-2006, Young Researcher 2006-2007]
 +    * European Network of Excellence CoreGRID (WP3) [2005-2007/researcher]
 +    * Chile-Korea ITCC Project AOP for the Grid [2004-2006/lead]
 +    * INRIA-CONICYT Project OSCAR [2004-2006/researcher]
 +    * INRIA-CONICYT Project ProXiMoS [2002-2003/researcher]
 +++++ Awards & Distinctions |
 +    * Best paper award {{bib>callauAl:msr2011|MSR 2011}}
 +    * Best paper award {{bib>tanter:aosd2010|AOSD 2010}}
 +    * Best paper award {{bib>tanter:jucs2000|SBLP 2008}}
 +    * Best paper award {{bib>tanterAl:dais2006|DAIS 2006}}
 +    * Invited speaker at the 4th Latin American AOSD Workshop ([[http://www.labes.icmc.usp.br/lawasp2010/|LA-WASP 2010]])
 +    * Invited speaker at the 25th Int. Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC 2005)
 +===== Publications (since 2006) =====
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