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The PLEIAD laboratory of the Computer Science Department (DCC) of the University of Chile (Faculty of Engineering) is a laboratory dedicated to research on software development techniques. Since its creation in 2007, the lab has focused on many ways to better support software development at different levels, from programming languages to development environments. Currently, our work is mostly centered on programming languages, program verification, and type theory.
Recent News
- Gradual Indexed Inductive Types accepted at ICFP 2024
- 10-year Most Notable Paper Award at DLS 2023 for our DLS 2013 paper Cast Insertion Strategies for Gradually-Typed Objects (Allende, Fabry, Tanter)
- A Gradual Probabilistic Lambda Calculus accepted at OOPSLA 2023
- New Inria Associate Team GRAPA (Gradual Proof Assistants) funded for 2023-2025
- Éric Tanter is on the PC of ICFP 2023
- Matías Toro is on the external PC of OOPSLA 2023
- Elizabeth Labrada successfully defended her PhD thesis on Gradual System F
- A Reasonably Gradual Type Theory accepted at ICFP 2022
- Matías Toro is on the PC of ICFP 2022
- Matías Toro joins Pleiad as Assistant Professor
- Éric Tanter is on the PC of POPL 2023
- Gradualizing the Calculus of Inductive Constructions accepted in TOPLAS (June 2022), presented at POPL 2022
- Federico Olmedo, Assistant Professor
- Éric Tanter, Full Professor
- Matías Toro, Assistant Professor
- Koen Jacobs, Postdoc (with Inria)
- Stefan Malewski, PhD student
- Damián Arquez, PhD student
- Tomás Díaz, PhD student
- Tomás Vallejos, MSc student
- José Luis Romero, MSc student