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Prof. Dr. Johan Fabry

Johan Fabry @johanfabry on Twitter (if you swap sides)
Part-Time Professor PLEIAD lab
Computer Science Department (DCC) University of Chile


Since january 2024 I rejoined the Universidad de Chile, after a 7-year absence. I am now a part-time professor, this page has not been actively maintained since 2017. My Google Scholar page is up to date with regards to publications.

Short Research Description

I work in the field of programming languages and software engineering. More specifically in the area of advanced forms of modularization and domain-specific languages. The overall focus of my work is guided by the following observation: In my experience, we as programming language researchers easily fall in the pit of making ever more powerful languages, with cool, powerful and complex features. This however comes at the cost that the programmer needs to be able to understand and apply these features correctly.

To restate this as the problem on which I focus: How can we, as programming language researchers, help the programmer to correctly use these cool language features we create?

Past and Present Work

Teaching, Student resources

I teach the following courses

Here are some resources of use for students, useful even at undergraduate level!

Recent Publications

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